2013年7月20日 星期六

為什麼我來到孟加拉(3)-柬埔寨教會我的兩件事 Why do I come to Bangladesh-two lessons taught by Cambodian

Only when you totally stand at the user end to feel and think, you would probably to find the key problem.

去柬埔寨做什麼? 不知道,沒有一個極為明確具體的方向。我們利用現有的學校和NGO資源做了一番的摸索。有一次,我們跟著一家在研究如何提供柬埔寨鄉村乾淨飲用水的NGO到田野去訪查,在村莊中發生一件顛覆我思考框架的事

What were we going to do in Cambodia? We don’t know and we don’t have a clear and tangible direction. We capitalized on the local schools and NGO we had before to explore what we could do. One time, we joined the NGO that focus on how to provide the rural villager with clean and safe water to do the field visit. In the village, an event happened that totally destroyed my thinking frame…


We interviewed the leader of villager to know the promotion situation of waterfilter.
We asked: What’s the largest barrier faced during the promotion?
Transportation? Money? Or the awareness gap of health

The leader of villager gave us an answer which was simple anymore but totally out of my imagination.

什麼?等等? 水很難喝? 我們認為乾淨安全的水他們覺得很難喝?

Because villagers think the taste of water is quite bad
What? Wait, the taste of water is bad? You mentioned that the water which we think is clean and safe is like shit in their eye?
Leader of village: Exactly


This story totally destroyed my thinking frame, which made me realized that if you don’t really stand at the user end to feel and observe carefully, it’s hard to find the key problem

Poor and wealth




After two weeks exploration, we decided to contact a local designer which we had known before and joined his visit to the local women designer in village to find some chance. A peaceful and calm picture appeared when we arrived in the women’s house: 

The women designer tailed by one hand and hug her granddaughter by the other. Another granddaughter lied down calmly beside her.. 

The designer told us: I insisted that not to let women work in product line separately but work in their home instead. It’s the only way that women are able to take care their family while work at the same time. In addition, only by doing so can women be involved in every part of product and be proud of what they do.



During the interview afterward, we asked about what’s your dream? Her answer touched me and provoked me to think again about poor and wealth

My dream is to create an incubation center which is used to pass down those designs and skills to more local women.

柬埔寨的婦女,她們生活可能沒有像我們那麼富裕。但是他們對工作有熱情,有夢想,一個媽媽從零開始學到現在會超過30種設計並且到老了心中還懷有夢想。反思自身所處的大環境,多少人在年輕的時候就已經對生活茫然,沒有熱情失去生活的意義呢? 我們的生活真的比較富裕嗎?

The life of Cambodian women is not rich and wealthy as us. However, they have passion to their work. The woman we interviewed learn it from zero. Till now, she is able to do more than 30 designs and has her dream. Reflect the big environment I lived, how many people lose their passion and dream when they were young and then loss the meaning of life? Is our life really wealthier?

2 則留言:

  1. 對生活失去熱情,覺得失去意義...或許是因為我們生活在富饒之中的人,忘記對其他人的付出表達開心、感謝與熱情?假設我們每天搭公車下車不忘跟司機大哥說聲「謝謝你開的車真的很平穩」,或者我們下課後跟老師表達感謝讚賞他教學的熱忱,或者...

    1. 可能這是一部分,但我覺得這個社會的大環境讓我們早早就忘卻了這些東西~
