在柬埔寨之行後,我開始深入研究有關於一些社會企業和社會創業的資料尋求可以結合的點。在過程中我總是思忖著為什麼現今所謂的科技發展和受益人多半都還是在這些所謂的已開發國家。當我們科技日新月異的發展,各項技術不斷突破創新。但真的有對這個世界更好嗎? 為什麼地球上還有一半左右的人的生活停留在20世紀,可能沒有乾淨安全的水、沒有電、沒有教育。
After the venture to the Cambodia, I started to
study social business and social entrepreneurship. I was always considering
about when technology changes fast than ever, achieving lots of breakthrough
and innovation. But why do most of beneficiaries are people in developed
country. Is it benefit to the world indeed? Why do number of people still live
in 20th century without safe water, electricity and education?
When whole word are getting better, why exclude
We could probably spend lots of time in
debugging in the lab to work out a fancy but might not have positive impact on
whole people in the world. Why can’t we devote the same diligence and spirit to
figure out a new model or tech to make them become the beneficiary of the
modern technology?
What’s my first step?
那乾脆就到當地去實習深入走訪吧! 於是我開始透過世界兩大輔導育成社企的組織阿育王(Ashoka)和施瓦布基金會(Schwab foundation)從幾百家利用高科技結合社會企(創)業的公司過濾出十家開始撒履歷。一段時間後九家打槍讓我想暫時擱置理想時去投一些正常的電子產業實習時,神奇的是隔天就收到了一封信,大意是
Based on the experience in Cambodia, I need to
feel and sympathy them. So why not have some internship in such kind of
organization then I can see and feel deeply?. Thus, I start to search such organization
through Schwab Foundation and Ashoka, which are two biggest social
business(entrepreneurship) incubation in the world. Finally, I filtered out 10
organization from hundreds of them. After a while, I would have get up and
started to search the internship in the popular EE industry since nine of them
refused me. However, miracle happened on the morning after one day. I got the
mail and the abstract is:
你想來實習做什麼呢? 自己寫下你的工作企劃書來討論看看是否可行吧
You want to have internship in my organization?
Write down your job proposal and then we can discuss about feasibility
(咦,這是要我自己開Job Description的意思嗎,也太酷了吧,台灣哪家公司的實習是這樣的呀(google?)
(Ooops, does it mean that I should figure out my
job description?, So cool, which company in Taiwan is like thay? Google maybe?).
The chairmen of this company is the winner of Nobel peace prize, founder of microcredit and social business-Dr. Yunus
I was surprised because I thought that such a
successful company wouldn’t pay attention to a normal student.
I was surprised that I can create the job by myself.
I was surprised because I never thought about
that I could step forward to my vision so fast.
I was surprised, because I hadn’t thought about
that such small and easy action can lead to such huge effect
(To be frankly, I just read a book and typed in
the keyboard)
Thus, I came to Bangladesh
I didn’t know the meaning of my major and felt
infinitive confuse and uneasy when I was sophomore, I got the best grade in my
life of university though.
I found that I like to do the work which can
create value for others when I came to Siberia.
I found my passion and the power of warmness and
touching in our social entrepreneurship when I came back from Cambodia.
Finally, I try to combine my major and passion
then I came to Bangladesh- a world-class social business.
Though I spent 2 years in exploring and then
back to the origin. I have a brand-new interpretation of my life,Neither the expectation from society nor
mainstream is the reason of why I major EE, It’s the interpretation of my life
Bangladesh is just my first step, I will keep
going by
Limited exploration, wholehearted devotion and
last but not least
with passion and joyfulness