2013年8月6日 星期二

孟加拉-一個讓人口密度居冠的城市低空氣污染的秘密 Bangladesh-a secret of low air pollution in the highest population density city

在孟加拉,我們就像雞一樣被關在這個綠色的雞籠裡穿梭在這擁擠的城市。但這其實是在孟加拉最舒適的一種移動方式,他叫做CNG,而 Hey CNG 也是在這城市移動時最常聽到的語句

In Bangladesh, we are always like chicken locked in the cage and go around this crowded city. However, it's the most comfortable way to travel in Bangladesh. It's called CNG, Hey CNG is also a common phrase you hear in the daily life

乍看下起來很恐怖,為什麼說很舒服呢? 想像一下在盛夏塞得動彈不得的塞陣裡,看完下面的圖大概就不難選擇

At first glance, it looks scary. Why do I feel comfortable. Imagine you are in traffic jam in scorching summer then look the pictures below you will get the answer

1.Crowded bus made of metal without fan and AC

2.Or like this airplane(it is said that this kind of vehicle is called airplane?)

3.CNG(you 1 person can have 3 people's place )


CNG為什麼叫做CNG? CNG的全名其實是Compress Natural Gas,是一種替代汽油的燃料。這項措施是在大約5~6年前孟加拉政府為了避免大量人口聚集都市使用汽油作為燃料造成的空氣污染。CNG在燃燒的時候不會 像汽油在樣排放黑煙,所排放出來的大多是二氧化碳、一氧化碳和水。在溫室氣體的排放量上CNG也較一般汽油少40%[1]。在解決大都市空氣污染上算是 相當成功。所以現在在孟加拉到處都可以看到像這樣的加氣站

Why CNG called CNG? In fact, CNG is the abbreviation of Compress Natural Gas, it's a cleaner alternative. This policy was promoted by government 5~6 years ago to prevent serious air pollution caused by larges number of vehicle powered by fuel in city.  During the combustion, CNG won't produce the black smoke like fuel. The majority of production are CO2,CO H2O. The emission of green house gas is also 40%lower than the conventional fuel. It's a successful solution to solve the air pollution in mega city. Thus, it's common to see such kind of gas station everywhere in Bangladesh.


Maybe you think because they only power this small car by CNG, it's impossible to do the same in Taiwan, then please look at the picture below:

It's a truck


In fact, almost vehicle you see on the road in Bangladesh are powered by CNG except the rickshaw. Only the vehicle which used in long distance is powered by fuel or mix.


In my daily experience, the most impressed thing is that I won't feel ill-smelling of fuel in the traffic jam outside. For solving the air pollution in mega city, I think Bangladesh did a good job. Any country has it's own  outstanding part, no matter it's developed or developing

Welcome any comment.

Bangladesh life-traffic
if you would like to see more photos of the traffic in Bangladesh, please click the link above


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